Health & Wellness For Your Career
Perform at your best in the workplace. When you feel great, you can do anything.
As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Certified Wellness Coach (CWC), Certified Wellness Inventory Specialist (CWIS), Diet and Nutrition Advisor, Master Reiki III Practitioner, Health & Wellness Coach Certification Instructor, and the Author of “How To Feel Great At Work Every Day, Six Steps For Creating A High-Energy Success Plan For Your Career” I can help you gain energy, power, and passion to move your career forward in an entirely new and energized way.
Having energy is crucial to your career. When you are tired, stressed, or burned out, you don’t have the motivation to do things beyond what your job responsibilities entail. But you must press on, because you have a job to do, and you have to do it regardless of your mood or energy level.
When you have energy, you can do things in your career that might otherwise be impossible. You can go back to school, open a business, spearhead a new project at work, or find a new job. Your productivity increases. You know what you want, and you feel great about it.
Achieve A Higher Level Of Vitality, Health & Well-Being.
Wellness coaching helps you bring health and wellness back into your career.
What is Wellness?
Wellness is a choice . . . a decision you make to move toward optimal health.
Wellness is a way of life . . . a lifestyle you design to achieve your highest potential for well-being.
Wellness is a process . . . a developing awareness that there is no end point, but that health and happiness are possible in each moment, here and now.

What Process Will I Use With You? The work we will do together is based on my best-selling book, “How To Feel Great At Work Every Day.” You will discover six steps for gaining more energy and vitality in your career. We will also use the Wheel of Life to get deeper into those areas you want to concentrate on the most.
Believe That Change Is Possible…
Stress does not have to get the best of you. You can have more energy, even with your hectic schedule and busy life. No matter what habits you have formed, you can form new ones. You can take change of your energy and create new routines with practical strategies that inspire and empower you.
Book a complimentary coaching conversation TODAY.
I offer 30-minute introductory calls so you can experience the power of coaching.
To request an appointment, please complete the following APPOINTMENT REQUEST FORM
I offer 30-minute introductory calls so you can experience the power of coaching.
To request an appointment, please complete the following APPOINTMENT REQUEST FORM